Health Benefits of Eating Peanut Butter

Spreading the creamy peanut butter on a warm bread, the peanut butter is melting, releasing the rich aroma of nuts, satisfying your hunger…

 People nowadays are very particular on the numerical values of calories and cholesterols in foods. Are they really bad for the health? The calories in food serve as the unit for energy-source in the body. So, we need foods since they are the ones containing the fuel or the battery for us to live. But if you do not burn the excess calories in the body, it will turn to the unwanted fats as seen as bulges in the body. The cholesterol on the other hand is the component of our cell membranes that are key ingredients of hormones, fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamins A, D, E and K) and bile acids. These substances aid our body in digesting foods to convert them to energy and nutrients. Cholesterol is divided into two kinds. They are the good cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein/HDL) and the bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein/LDL). The LDL are the enemies of our body since they are the ones filing-up and blocking the blood vessels leading to hypertension and heart attacks. Plant-based foods are the abundant sources of the HDL.

 Peanut butter is an example of food that has rich source of good and friendly cholesterols. They are the ones protecting the blood vessels from the injuries such as atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) in effect, heart attack and stroke are prevented. What are the other benefits of eating peanut butter aside from satisfying our taste buds?

  • Source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Feeling of fullness at low calories so, you prevent to over-eat and get fat 1
  • Lowering the risk of diabetes 2 by 30% when consumed about 2 tablespoons of peanut butter at least 5 days a week 3
  • Energy booster from the carbohydrate source such as sugar
  • Fiber rich food that helps in sweeping the intestinal mucosa to get rid off the unwanted toxins which in turn avoids constipation
  • Source of phytochemicals that are the good soldiers against free radicals of the body that fights cancer, antimutagenic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant4
  • Contains potassium that helps the kidney in filtering blood, aids in central nervous system function that makes the blood pressure regulated.
  • Contains about 49 grams of magnesium that helps in muscle repair, clarity of mental health and as well as bone building5
  • Loaded with Vitamin B 6 which is an immune booster.


               Eating peanut butter is filling up your body with healthy, nutritious and practical food that gives you the energy to GO through your day, proteins that helps the body to GROW by building and repairing of tissues, and sustaining vitamins and minerals that gives us GLOW.


              With Cookie’s Peanut Butter, it is made of all natural ingredients with no preservatives. So you can be assured that you are satisying your cravings and yet filling up your body with good blocks of nutrients. Enjoy eating.....



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